Aims of the expedition;
1. To get all team members safely back to UK
2. To summit Kala Pata for sunset on Everest
3. Make Base Camp
Ok, so lots to tell and bring up to speed, first things first the WHOLE TEAM made it onto Kala Pata and it was worth it as clear skies gave an awe inspiring sunset on Everest for all to enjoy! But this is just half the story...
...So from Dingboche the team made the long trek up to Lobuche and a height of nearly 5000m, this took its toll as team members arrived shattered and feeling the thin air. The long climb from Dughla was really tough but the team spent a little time walking around the numerous monuments and memorials to those who have lost their lives on Everest. As a few of the team are reading Everest based books some of the names were familier such as Scott Fischer from the 1996 disaster.
As the team had two nights in Lobuche their acclimatised by a short walk to the Italian Pyramid, a weather station situated in the hills giving up to date data to NASA as well as to other universities and orgainsations around the world.
The team settled down to a meal with the prospect of Kala Pata, Gorak Shep and Everest looming, a tough day was in lie.
Waking early and shaking off coughs, colds and the runs the team headed out on what would be an epic day. Making good progress they made it to Gorak Shep by lunch time and prepared for the afternoon plod up Pata.
Becky and JJ had written a short speech which was read out to all who were embraced in a huddle. This inspired the team as well as drawing a few tears from some members so our first and really main aim was ahead, it was time to bag a Brucie Bonus!
We plodded slowly and slowly upwards, some team members started to struggle with the alitude but they would not be beat and after over 2hours of climbing the WHOLE team were stood together on the top of Kala Pata looking out over Everest, Nuptse, Pumori, Ama Dablam. Que the time for posters, banners and personal pictures. Some cheered, some had a quiet time of reflection and some were just overcome by it all, we had made it!!!!!
As the sun dropped the highest point in the world glowed a glorious red colour with snow blowing of the summit it was a sight to behold, emotions running high and a real sense of achivement.
How things change. As we dropped down it was apparant that one of the team had become unwell. Bunny had been hit with High Alitude Cerebal Edema (HACE) a potentialy deadly illness but one of the most simple to cure, descend, descend, descend.....
As the whole team came together in the lodge the fast thinking and diagnosis from our experienced team of porters and guides has Bunny on oxygen and were preparing to get him down the mountain and to the safety of the hospital at Phereche some 1400m lower.
The sun was down, the temperature had gone to well below zero at here there is no mountain rescue or helicopter, just the will power, stregnth and determination of the human mind. So a team of three porters, Steff, Matt, JJ and Doug set off in the dark night sky physically carrying him on their backs to safety. What had taken 3 days of walking and acllimatisation to come up would take just over 4hours to descend to the hospital in what was a demonstration of team work and understanding of the first order.
The cure is easy and it showed as Bunny quickly recovered and after an hour at the hospital the doctors were more than happy with him and let him go for the night. The doctors it is worth mentioning did their paramedic training in Northallerton!! Small world!! However he couldnt stay over as they said he was ginger and they needed the bed!!
So the rest of the team made their decision to the return down the mountain and come back as one team, they gave up Base Camp as they showed that throughout all of this the strength of this team is greater than any mountain or destination, as Alan Hinkes says "the mountain will always be there"
The following day Bunny was great and the team had walked down to meet up again, it had taken the fully fit in daylight over 6 1/2 hours to descend the same route as the resuce team the night before.
Spirits were high again as the team were united and they made there way to Pengboche for an overnight before another long day today back down to Namche where we will spend two nights and have a day chilling out tomorrow.
The events of the last couple of days would knock most teams for six and put them off things but this team again just showed how resliant and unique they are, they faced up to the challenges thrown infront of them and hit them out of the way as only they would.
So as for now we are on our way back down the mountain but when we set off we would be happy as two out of three aint bad...
What an amazing achievement - we are so proud of all of you!! We always knew you were going to be a great team - You've been there for each other for the past year and a half and we are so glad that you were all able to stand together on top of Kala Pata - what an experience. Well done to the rescue team for getting Bunny down the mountain in record time!! We can't wait to see you and hear your stories but enjoy these last few days. Missing you loads Andy!
ReplyDeleteSteve, Julie, Andrew and Erin
hyaaa hope every1s having a good time and are ok
ReplyDeletemiss yuu loads bro...but at least theres food in the house now!! haha!
see every when yuu get back...make the most of what yuu can while ur out there
love yuu lil bro!!!
hannah x x
So so glad to read the full story and it really does reinforce what an amazing set of people you all are. The climbing of Everest is one thing but doing this whilst overcoming adversity and demonstrating the act of altruism is another.
ReplyDeleteI really do feel privileged to know you all and have worked alongside you...what an effort everyone has made!!! I think that the team spirit and selflessness you have all established is the biggest achievement of all .
So glad that Bunny is ok now and immensely proud of the rescue team- incredible effort!!! Cannot wait to see you all now, big big hugs and congratulations sent your way...!! Hope the sunset was everything you'd imagined and you have memories from it that will last a lifetime... the photos sound perfect.
Matt, forgot to mention earlier, in school i made the mistake of Canada being in South America.. the students were incontrollable for some time...!
Think the wherever you will go song really was quite fitting for the expedition after all...
Well done team.. Keep safe,
Big big love to you all,
Anna xxxxxxxxx
P.S. Erin just pointed out that the note was actually from Steve, Julie SOPHIE and Erin - not Andrew - he's supposed to be on a mountain somewhere - sorry Sophie X
ReplyDeleteSo relieved Bunny has fully recovered - unbelievable team effort - who said teenagers are self obsessed? not this team of young men and women - so proud of you George - can't type anymore - the ice-maiden has melted - Christine xxxx
ReplyDeleteWow what a frightening experience that must have been for everyone. I am so relieved to hear that Bunny is recovered and well and definately the very best decision you made to take him down quickly. Well done to you guys who took him down I am amazed at how quickly you got down and in the dark ..what heros ..someone was definately looking after you all that night and you almost certainly saved Bunnys life. We are also so proud but not suprised at the rest of the teams decision to come down and not to go to base camp..it wouldnt have been the same without Bunny and you had done the best bit. We can only echo what everyone else has said well done you are a fantastic group of young people. God Bless yo all and enjoy the rest of your trip . Fiona & Ian xxxx
ReplyDeletehello to you all - I am so relieved that you are all safe. You have shown remarkable courage and tenacity and should all feel very proud. Am enjoying the wonderful sights you describe and the humour that shines through.Continue to take care of each other and soak up all the details- they'll be your memories for years to come. God bless and enjoy the next few days.Seamus and Maureenxx xxx
ReplyDeletedont quite know where to start!!just looked up the word team-number of persons working together in harmony.that does not begin to describe debbie,williams and my feelings towards THE TEAM,for matt, steph jj and doug to act in such a quick and possitive manner,putting the little fellas health and well being before there own to descend for 4 hours in the dark,as a result eleviating a life threatening situation, we will be eternally greatfull.to the rest of the team to decline to go to base camp because of the all for one and one for all attitude you have developed in the last 18 months, is probably one of the most selfless acts we have witnessed.thanks to each and every one of you.on sunday afternoon about 3ish i had a weird feeling that something wasnt right,dont know what time tom was taken poorly? as we talked about this over tea debbie wondered how they would contact the parents if something was wrong 5 mins later we received a call from true adventure imforming us of the situation,tom and matt spoke to debbie on monday afternoon tom was in good spirits and looking forward to meeting up with the team,thanks again and safe trekking and keep looking after each other,especially our little fella,tom get ready for massive hugs and kisses from your mum,andy,debbie and william xxx
ReplyDeleteto tom live your life one day at a time you never know whats around the next corner,base camp isnt going any where,miss you see you soon thank god, dad
ReplyDeleteHi All. Firstly we are all glad Bunny is OK. Secondly you should all be truly proud of what you have achieved. You have had such a wonderful opportunity and experience thus far. Your team spirit and camaradarie is a credit to you and this is clearly demonstrated in your solidarity and support for Bunny and the team who took him back so quickly. Base camp would not have been the same without the whole group. Bob spoke to Andy today and they are really touched by your decision. Enjoy the next few days. Keep the blogs coming as we are enjoying reading them and we are looking forward to hearing all about your adventures when you come home. Kelly's text said she has lost her voice - what a blessing for you all. Sometimes silence is golden! Be careful and take care. Lots of love to everyone. Bob, Elaine and Richard. xxxxx
ReplyDeleteEvening All! Just want to reiterate what everyone else has said, and to send you (and Debbie, Andy & William!) our love and support. So,so relieved that Bunny is okay and that you're all back together again - a truly inspirational TEAM!! So proud of all you for everything you HAVE achieved and continue to achieve. We feel very honoured being part of the 'family' team back here at home! Keep the blogs coming - Be safe, enjoy the descent, (a stroll in the park now!)but no more adventures!
ReplyDeleteLove to all - Donna, Steve and James xxx
Oh My God! We just logged on for an up-date and were shocked at the events of the past couple of days but it goes without saying how very proud of you all we are! I had to stop and regain composure just to read about it - God only knows how you all managed to actually do it - espacially the rescue team - a very big well done to you. Its good to hear Bunny is well after the trauma but it really has brought it home the enormity of this challenge and what a fantastic team you have proved to be. Tom- Thanks for the E mail it was good to hear from you. We are missing you loads and cant wait to get you back home. Stay safe everyone and make the most of the rest of your adventure.
ReplyDeleteWith love Mum, Dad, Kate and Luke.
congrats team :) you did amazing :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic picture - still trying to figure out who's who though. At least I can mostly tell the girls from the boys because their hats are a different colour!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome photo... just been doing about morality and spirituality - thought the only way best to explain it was to tell your story!!! team spirit- faith- belief- have goosepimples still!!
ReplyDeleteHope you're all relaxed now,
Keep safe, love to you all
Composure returned! I was just overwhelmed by the whole scenario, with Bunny, the rescue, the decision not to go any further and then to descend to reunite with your team mates and not go to Base Camp, you truly are a special group of people.
ReplyDeleteBunny, called in to see your Mum yesterday evening - all as normal in the Bunn household, your Mum as chirpy as ever, your Dad still working, William in a world of his own and the guinea pig on the sofa in his usual spot! Your Mum says she just wants to give you a big hug, so look out when you get off the coach next week!!
The descent will be a walk in the park after the last few days of drama! - have fun but still stay safe - Well done to every single one of you, including the oldies!
Fantastic photo by the way - it's going up in our Village Shop today.
Love and hugs - Christine xxxx
Recived our 1st and only photograph today (at last) also got our post cards today.
ReplyDeleteThnaks for taking care of tom (my cousin) :)
one really lucky boy with great friends to save his life!!
see christine has mentioned about jasper the guniea pig lol he is sulking ( missing tom )
Take care
Missing you tom :)
love Mum and chloe
Well done guys! So proud, reading all the blogs and comments makes me really proud and bit emotional. Well done dougy for helping wee man, love you buddy. Hope everyone is ok.
ReplyDeleteMissing you. See you soon
Much love
Lacy xxx
Evening All.
ReplyDeleteWeve only been able to view this last blog and the comments on my fone over the last 24 hours as weve been down in Derby. Had to wait till we got back to write this.
What an adventure this whole experience has been for you all! Obviously great news that bunnys now ok but we cant imagine what it mustav been like up there for you all at the time. A good decision by someone to trek back down asap. Huge congrats to them and all those that got him down to safety in dodgy conditions. What a worry for him (if he knew anything about it at the time?) the staff, guides, porters etc and the rest of the team left there wondering how they were getting on.
A truly generous and selfless decision by those left behind to forgo the trip to Base Camp and to get back down to the others. Everybodys immensely proud of you all for not only this one amazing decision but in how you have acted throughout this whole challenging experience from Day 1.
It was fantastic to hear that youd all made the summit of kala patthar. What a moment to savour. A fantastic foto of you all stood up there. That was your moment of achievement! Regret nothing. Be extremely proud of yourselves. Each and every one of you. Take care the rest of the way back down and enjoy every moment. Theres still a good few days left!
Adrian & Sue oh yeh an Alfie XX
hi everyone reading these blogs with moist eyes,some big tough joiner eh!! thanks to the "family" for your comments concerns and resasuring phone calls about our little fella,bet jj and doug were pleased tom only weighs 5 stone wet through!!great picture good to see you all in the spec savers glasses,is it me or are matts teeth whiter than the everest snow?? an anagram of team = mate , tom has some very special mates out there with him, safe and happy trekking, forgot to say roseberry topping looked fantastic with the lights on, andy
ReplyDeleteGreetings from halfway up an Alp! I've been thinking about you this week mainly when I've been watching the sun come up on a glorious Mont Blanc! When I finally logged on was stunned to hear about Bunny, hope he is fully recovered and everyone else is ok. However I was not surprised to hear how you all stood up to the plate one way or another and I'd expect nothing less from Chosen Men! Save Base Camp for another day guys and enjoy the rest of the trip. Take care Catherine xx
ReplyDeleteall for one and one for all - really proud of you all - just picked up the blog on our way back to blighty and were stunned , still sobbing ...thank god all is well now .
ReplyDeleteWell done team, what an achievement! Glad tom's okay now, the team that took him down did an amazing job. Your picture's great, took a while to spot who's who with those matching glasses and jackets! Sounds like you've had a great time so far! Can't wait for pictures when you get back.
ReplyDeleteHappy trekking.
Jess x
Hi Guys!
ReplyDeleteJust got back from Wales, so just caught up on the blog!! So glad to hear that you're all now safe and together...great achievement :-) I am very proud of all of my lovely friends! What a team! Can't wait to see you all and give you big hugs!
Lots and lots and lots of love!
Laura and Turners - Mum especially sends her love lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What a fantastic picture. It brings a lump to our throats to see you all there with your matching clothes and glasses. Infact, it looks so unreal we are wondering if you are really there or is it another postcard picture? Recognize most of you but cannot see Kenny. Is he taking the picture? Couldn't you find a passer by to take it then? (Ha). If we don't blog again enjoy your last couple of days and have a really safe trip home. Looking forward to seeing you all on 20th. Take Care. Love the Fryers. xx
ReplyDeleteAnd yet another great write up from Si in the D&S.
ReplyDeleteWell done!
Hope you all ok and having a great time.
Wonder if youre going to get that flight in tomorrow? Hope you can!
just want to wish Andrew a happy birthday - not many people get to celebrate their 17th birthday in Kathmandu!! Enjoy. Can't wait to see you next week
mum, dad, Erin and Sophie x
si,s mum has rang us to say they are back in the hotel in katmando,chilling out after this life changing experiance and what an experiance, from a wet and windy selection weekend to a mountain rescue on kala pata.this trip will stay with you for life,i dont think my son could of been with a beter group of people in a life threatening situation,decisive action not just by the drs sherpas, true adventures staff and above all his peers,would i let him go with you again? you bet 100%,dont anyone be put off by this 16 students went out 16 students came back, its a case of katmando = katmandone, can we go next time, safe journey home gang,see you soon little fella andy
ReplyDeleteps went to jjs fav india last night with christine and brian good food good company, maybe when the dust settles we should all go out for a meal me thinks i owe jj and doug a beer or 2